Filtering Tasks
Add filters to your Task List and you will be able to search your desired Task easily

Navigate to Task module present on the left panel of OneDocx. You can see "All" option selected by default.

You can filter Task based on Assignee (All, My Tasks), Status (Upcoming, Complete) and Due-Date(Due This Week, Due Today, Due Tomorrow and Overdue), This filtering will help you find a specific Task from a long lists.

Filtering by Assignee

Click on my Tasks, the table below will show you only those Tasks which are assigned by you.

Filtering by Status:
Click 'Upcoming', The tasks table will display all the tasks with incomplete status .

Filtering by Due Date 

Click 'OverDue'. The task list will display all the tasks which are over due with incomplete status.

For more information on Task or any other module of OneDocx please follow our other articles and video tutorials.