- Calendar Event are useful to keep track of every important detail of your Practice.
To create new event Click 'Calendar' from left panel of OneDocx.
Click button with icon bottom arrow head and click 'New Event'
Event Details page will appear, give the following details about the event:
- Title: Title can be name or description of your event
- Start and End Time: Choose the date and time of the event. You can also select whether you want the event to be all day, or you want it to repeat.
- Location: Add location for your appointment
- Matter: You can select Matter if the Event is against some matter or just leave it blank
- Calendar: Select a calendar against which you want to add Event
- Description: Add some description for your Event.
Click Save and new event will be added in Calendar.
This is how you can Create Calendar Events in OneDocx, for more information please follow our other articles and Video Tutorials