This article will help you in how to create, edit and delete time entries

Creating Time Entry:
To create a new time entry click 'Activities' from left panel and click '+' and click 'Time Entry', Time Entry pop up window will appear, here you can add the details of time entry

  1. Duration: Give the time entry manual by input or if you are working on activity click play button and you time against the activity will start
  2. Activity Category: Select the category for your time entry
  3. Description: Add context and details about your time entry
  4. Matter: Select Matter against which the you are entering the Time
  5. Date: The current date is filled by default, buy you can Select another Date if required
  6. Firm User: Select the user, Track time for yourself or on the behalf of another user
  7. Rate: Input the charge per hour and it will be calculated according to hours in Duration
  8. Click Save and Time entry will be added on Activities listing page.

Editing Time Entry:
To edit the existing time entry, select the time entry and click edit button, Time entry pop up will appear, edit the required fields and click 'Save' an your Time entry will be updated successfully

Delete Time Entry:

To delete a time entry, simply select time entry which needs to be deleted and click 'Delete' button.

Confirmation pop up window will appear with message "Are you sure you want to delete entry", click 'Yes' and entry will be deleted successfully

This is how you can Create and Manage Time Entry in OneDocx, for more information please follow our other articles and Video Tutorials