To create new Client Fund request please follow the steps below:

  • Click Bills from the left side panel of OneDocx
  • Click '+' for new Client Fund Request
  • New Client Fund request pop up window will appear

  1. Issue Date : Current date is provided as Issue Date and it is editable
  2. Due Date : Current date is provided as Due Date and it is editable
  3. Client : Select Client against which you want to create the fund request
  4. Balance Type : Select Balance type whether it is against Client or Matter
  5. Amount : Give Amount
  6. Description : Give some Description for the future reference of the request
  7. Check the "Skip the clients Funds request approval process" if you want your request to move directly to "Awaiting Payment" other wise leave it unchecked and your request will be created as a "Draft"
  8. Save : Click save and your fund Request will be available in Draft/Awaiting Payment tabs

This is how you can create New Client Fund Request in OneDocx, for more information please follow our other articles and video tutorials.